sorry for the lack of posts, after CHA- i drove out to Minnesota for a family reunion. i had good intentions to do a few posts along the way, but it just never happened. At the beginning of my trip I had a wonderful wedding shower while i was visiting in Chicago. Since i had some of the new papers with me, i used them to wrap my thank you gifts. The birdcages were a perfect touch for the books, and the frame wallpaper worked great for the name tags.
CHA was a fun show for us, as always it was great to see the response to the new designs. We also added a little something extra to the booth this year and brought the paint cans from the studio with us to have on display.
I figured i'd share a few pics from the family reunion - we all meet every year at my great grandparents house out in a little town called Lynd.We have a weekend full of so much laughter, good food (lots of sweet corn, popcorn and the peanut butter chocolate sauce....mmmm), and so much history and story telling.
One of my gram's favorite thing to do is listen to "ten little fingers and ten little toes" on the Edison.
And one great discovery this year were letters from around the 1950's that my grandma, and great Aunts & Uncles would write back and forth called "round robins". My great Aunt Peg would send out the blank paper with these little illustrations for the all the letterheads about an event or something going on in one of their lives. Then they would write about it on the letterhead and send it back. Almost reminds me a little of the circle journals people do today.
...okay well i guess it's time to get back to catching up on many e-mails, the new DT and more