I thought i do a quick post to share my new name since i got married. I'm now Allison Abad (instead of Allison Kreft) It's pronounced ey- bad. I think it has a cool sound to it!! Along with that my e-mail is also changing, which i'll be sending an update about soon. (the old one will also work for another month or so.) I've also been inspired by all the projects the DT girls have been doing, and i have one to share, but it will have to be after Christmas, since i don't want to spoil the surprise on here. I'll be heading out to Chicago in a few days for the Holidays, but we will still be posting more projects from the girls! As promised i also wanted to share a few pics from the wedding. I was very lucky that Grace was our photographer! At some point i'll get a little gallery together. I still need to share the whole wedding invitation, plus some pics inside the venue - you know i used some hambly products to help decorate!!
The day of the wedding i gave Zach the original screens from the wedding invitations framed as a gift!
Crissy Field.
It was so cool to see our names on the sign outside!
There's this great alley in the mission covered in colorful murals by lots of different artists. We thought it be a great background for some pics. If you look closely the golden gate bridge is behind us.....behind all the fog. It was a perfect SF day!
Photobooth pics- always fun!